Four-Character Idiom Senjafuda Sticker 千社札ステッカー【諸行無常 - SHOGYO MUJO-】
【諸行無常 -shogyō mujō-】
"All things are impermanent."
This phrase is a fundamental Buddhist concept that expresses the belief that everything in the world is constantly changing and nothing remains the same, not even for a brief moment. It reflects the transient nature of life and all phenomena.
- 諸行 (shogyō) refers to all conditioned phenomena, or everything that arises due to causes and conditions.
- 無常 (mujō) means impermanence, the idea that nothing in life is permanent and everything is subject to change.
This concept is central to Buddhist teachings, highlighting the fleeting and ever-changing nature of existence.
【"What are Four-Character Idioms?】
A "four-character idiom" (四字熟語, "yoji-jukugo") is a Japanese expression made up of four kanji characters.
These idioms often come from classical Chinese and convey a deep meaning or a concept in a compact form.
They can express wisdom, moral lessons, or describe situations in just four characters. Examples include expressions for perseverance, success, or harmony.
In short, it’s a brief phrase made of four characters that communicates a bigger idea.
・ステッカー sticker